2010 vs. 2020

2010 vs. 2020 — which life would you choose?! The choice looks pretty clear to me.

The turn of this new year has me reflecting on many things, including where I started at the beginning of the decade vs. where I am now.

In 2010, I was teaching for a popular fitness method in Philadelphia that promised to “tone” and “lengthen” and named classes things like “skinny,” “thinny,” and “mini.”

We were encouraged to take multiple high intensity classes a day (while teaching over 20 classes a week too!) and do juice cleanses to “prep” for photos. Diets, over-exercise, and negative body image were the norm.

When I stopped teaching those classes, my approach to wellness completely shifted. I discovered a love of yoga, meditation, mindful movement, rest days, CARBS, and my own perfectly imperfect body!

I started eating more and exercising less because that’s what felt good. And, guess what? My weight is exactly the same now as it was in 2010 when I ate half the calories and worked out so much I didn’t have time for much of anything else. Mind blowing, isn’t it?!

I share this, not because weight is the end all be all— it most certainly is NOT — but because I want to reach anyone out there who is living a “2010 Melissa” life. I want you to know that enjoying movement, food, and your life is possible and you don’t have to be scared about being “out of control.” You and your body deserve better!

If you could use guidance on your own wellness journey or want to learn more about intuitive movement, shoot me a message here. I’d love to connect with you.

xo, Melissa


This I Promise You


Ditch Weight Loss Mentality