360 Breathing

You may have heard someone tell you to “exhale on exertion,”  “pull the belly button to your spine,” or “exhale and engage your core,” during a workout. But, what do those cues really mean?

All of those phrases have to do with proper breathing and core canister activation.

360 breathing is a foundational technique that is so important for everyone to master (whether a mama or not). By linking proper breath to exertion during movement, we can ensure a well functioning deep core and prevent injury.

For mamas, a well functioning deep core can help:

  • reduce pain and injury

  • facilitate easier labor and postpartum recovery

  • enable better movement patterns

  • improve digestion and immunity

  • reduce stress

  • improve focus

  • create a healthier fetal growth environment

The deep core muscles of the core canister (CC) — diaphragm, transverse abdominis, pelvic floor — work together to create a dynamic pump. This CC pump helps regulate intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) and build a strong, functional core. This is especially important during pregnancy when the growing belly increases IAP and puts extra stress on the core canister.

So how do you activate this CC pump? It is all in the breath! Learning how to breathe from the belly, ribs, and back (think 360 degrees) instead of a shallow chest breathe is key.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Sit or stand in neutral alignment (ribs stacked over pelvis, neck long, shoulders relaxed)

  • Place your hands on the lower ribs - with fingers in front and thumbs around back

  • Inhale through your nose, sending air into your rib cage so that it expands 360 degrees and pushes into your hands in all directions

  • Be sure you are expanding front, side, and back, not just focusing “belly breathing” (despite the name!) to avoid creating more pressure

  • Exhale fully through pursed lips, feeling your navel draw toward your spine and your fingers come closer together; it should feel as if you are tightening a girdle as you maintain a neutral spine

  • Repeat for several very slow breaths — inhale through your nose expanding 360 degrees, exhale through pursed lips feeling the “girdle” tighten around you and drawing the navel toward your spine

If you can train yourself to naturally use this technique, breathing can become one of the best core exercises you do — whether combining it with additional movement or not! To integrate with your workouts, remember the phrase “exhale on exertion,” meaning inhale on the easier portion of the movement and exhale on the more challenging part. Over time, this will become natural for you, and you will be able to simultaneously strengthen your deep core while working other muscle groups as well.

During pregnancy, use 360 breathing connected to movement and on its own.

For postpartum, core recovery is of the utmost importance and helps set the foundation for adding movement patterns once doctor’s clearance is given. Core muscles go through trauma during pregnancy and labor, so it takes time to heal and strengthen. Be patient with yourself (and your abs)!

Start by re-establishing core canister function and rehabbing the pelvic floor by adding a core canister pump to your 360 breathing. A core canister pump focuses more on activating the pelvic floor (PF) than belly breathing alone. Inhale and expand your rib cage while relaxing your PF, then exhale to draw your navel in and your PF up.

Why the difference between pregnancy and postpartum? During pregnancy, the PF naturally activates while belly breathing. However, it is important not to overdo the PF muscle contraction because women need to learn how to relax and lengthen PF muscles for labor and delivery. Postpartum, it is a different story because pregnancy and delivery (both routes) render the pelvic floor muscles extremely weak. Connecting mindful PFA to 360 belly breathing, helps rehab these muscles more quickly. Additional PFAs and core recovery exercises should also be performed upon clearance from your doctor.

Every woman, pregnancy, birth, and postpartum recovery is different! It is important to heed the advice of your physician, as well as to work with a pre/postnatal training specialist (like myself!) for guidance whenever possible. Check out the Postpartum Program on Motion Studio for more!

Learn more in this FREE MOTION STUDIO VIDEO about how 360 breathing helps you connect to your deep core muscles, providing many benefits whether you are a mama or not!

By reading this blog, you agree not to use the content as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others.  Please consult your physician before starting any new exercise program or technique, whether pregnant or not. Under no circumstances shall Motion Melissa LLC, any guests or contributors to the blog, or any employees, associates, or affiliates of Motion Melissa LLC be responsible for damages arising from use of this content. Thank you for being here!


Postpartum Core Rehab


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